Fee Schedule

2024-2025 Price List

Our Scouting year follows the school year and runs from August 1 through July 31.

We accept new Scouts all year, some fees are prorated monthly.

When you sign up as a Cub Scout there will be an online application to complete. Part of this process will include a step to pay National and Council dues listed below. Pack dues are not included in the online application process and are listed separately below.

National & Council Dues Paid with online application

New Scout - $155

Returning Scout - $130

Optional - $15

Pack 1776 dues paid separately from online application process

New Scout - $83

Price Includes:

Returning Scout - $73

Price Includes:

Optional - $10

Pack dues may be paid by cash, check, Venmo or Zelle

Please make checks payable to "Pack 1776"

In the Zelle app send to cubmaster.pack1776.az@gmail.com

Some field trips, camping or other Pack events may have additional fees.

The Class A uniform must be purchased separately, see uniform costs below. 

Lion Uniform

Notes - We recommend convertible pants that can be made into shorts or pants for all weather, that item is the quoted price. The same belt may be used through Bear rank

Tiger, Wolf & Bear Uniform

* If your Scout was a Lion last year and his/her pants still fit, they do not need to be re-purchased** If your Scout was a Lion last year, the belt does not need to be re-purchasedNotes - if your Scout is a Tiger or Wolf, you may want to consider purchasing a shirt a couple sizes too large so it lasts through Bear rank.  We recommend the switchback pants that can be made into shorts or pants for all weather, that item is the quoted price.

Webelos Uniform

Where to Purchase Uniforms?

Scout Shop

1061 N Dobson Rd #109

Mesa, AZ 85201

(480) 926-0345

Online at scoutshop.org

Curious how your Pack 1776 Dues are Spent?

View our pack budget to what your dues pays for:
